Gianluca Geraci, Sandia National Laboratories
John Stephens, Sandia National Laboratories
Brian Adams, Sandia National Laboratories
Driven by Sandia National Laboratories' applications, the Dakota project ( invests in both state-of-the-art research and robust, usable software for optimization and UQ. Broadly, Dakota's advanced parametric analysis enables design exploration, model calibration, risk analysis, and quantification of margins and uncertainty with computational models.
Dakota’s methods include optimization, uncertainty quantification, parameter estimation, and sensitivity analysis, which may be used individually or as components within surrogate-based and other advanced strategies. Available publicly under an open source license, Dakota is used broadly by academic, government, and corporate institutions.
In this minisymposium we will accept contributions on recent developments and improvements to Dakota in the areas of algorithms and its ease of use, and application of Dakota capabilities to a variety of engineering and scientific problems.